Modernizing Fresh:

The New Era of Farm-to-Market Efficiency

Silverback Fresh is committed to transform the produce industry through strategic acquisitions, technology integration, operational efficiency, and sustainability. Our mission is to modernize family-owned businesses, positioning ourselves as industry leaders by implementing cutting-edge technology and fostering a strong commitment to operational excellence.

Welcome to a new era of fresh produce, where Silverback Fresh is at the forefront of creating an efficient, tech-driven, and sustainable future.

Let us introduce you
to the key players,

Renowned Multi Generational Wholesale Businesess with no succesion plans have shut their doors and sold the real estate. Decisions that many today regret. This is the challenge that many family-owned wholesalers face without a clear roadmap for the future. 

Produce wholesalers are not alone

The Problem/Opportunity
is all over the produce
wholesale industry

Highly Fragmented industry

7,858 produce wholesalers with avg $15.5M in sales

Lack of Succession plans

2/3 Wholesalers have no succession plan

Tech Gaps

Outdated fax and paper records and notes

Low of Economies of Scale

Smaller operations with low purchasing power.

No Sustainability focus

Environmental impact and sustainable practices are low on the priority list.


the Right Deals

Implementing “The Silverback Fresh” Playbook

on The Network Effect


Enabling the business with a best in breed approach while we identify and develop proprietary solutions

Business Intelligence





Centralized Data

Strategic Partnerships:

Partnering with Grupo Linda brings together 50+ years of experience in the U.S. and Mexican produce industry, providing unparalleled expertise in supply chain, storage, and vertical integration.

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